Choir visit Cumnock Hospital at Christmas 2015

Christmas Hospital Singsong

The choir have recorded a few songs. It was felt it would be a good idea to get some sort of sample of the music within the church recorded. The church already have three tapes from the past of mainly choir music, but it has been about 30 years since the last tape. (Maybe you can work this out more exactly!) So the choir went into Pulse Recording Studios in YIP world at Cumnock to put down a few songs.

Laurence at Pulse

Also some of the YP sang a few songs there before Christmas 2011 and some people that play instruments also recorded some music at the church. The purpose wasn't to produce a commercial CD that could be sold but just to have record. If you would like to find out more information, feel free to send an email or talk to someone in the choir.


Choir at Pulse Recording Studios



The recording is now available on CD if anyone would like one for a donation.