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Sunday Mornings
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2025-02-09 R.McMahan Morning Service (Mt Horeb)
2025-02-02 R.McMahan Morning Service (Mt Moriah)
26-01-2025 R.McMahan Morning Service (Mt Ararat)
19-01-2025 R.McMahan Morning Service (Mt Eden)
12-01-2025 R.McMahan Morning Service
05-01-2025 R.Griffiths Morning Service
29-12-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (The Inbetweeners)
22-12-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Love)
08-12-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Partial recording 😕)
24-11-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Devoted to the breaking of bread)
17-10-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Devoted to fellowship)
10-11-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (The Perfect Soldier)
03-11-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service
27-10-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Youth Organisation Enrolment)
20-10-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Harvest Thanksgiving)
13-10-2024 R.Griffiths Morning Service (Reasons to be Cheerful)
06-10-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (The church at Laodicea)
29-09-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (The church at Philadelphia)
22-09-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (The church at Sardis)
15-09-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (The Church at Thyatyra)
08-09-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Partial recording. It cut off again!)
01-09-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Church of Symrna)
25-08-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Letter to Ephesus)
18-08-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Intro to John at Patmos)
11-08-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Do you love me?)
04-08-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Doubters dealt with)
28-07-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Was the cross necessary?)
22-07-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (The question that illuminates the darkness)
14-07-2024 Apologies, recording stopped midway.
07-07-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (A wrong time to catch some zzzz's)
30-06-2024 R.Griffiths Morning Service (What on Earth Has Happened To the Church)
23-06-2024 P.Harkess Morning Service
16-06-2024 R.McMahon Morning Service (Prizegiving)
09-06-2024 R.McMahon Morning Service (Jesus came to bring ????????)
02-06-2024 R.McMahon Morning Service (A fool with his fortune)
26-05-2024 R.McMahon Morning Service (Lost and found)
2024-05-19 R.McMahan Morning Service (The Redeemer's riddle)
12-05-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (The image on the item)
05-05-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (A super expansion with a purpose.)
28-04-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service ("Do you think they were worse than you?")
21-04-2024 Jayne Dumbuya Morning Service (Mission Focus)
14-04-2024 F.Nicholson Morning Service
07-04-2024 R.Griffiths Morning Service (Hold the fort)
31-03-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Terror at the tomb)
24-03-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Hosanna)
17-03-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Be careful what you ask for)
10-03-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Have you not read?)
03-03-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Demons dispelled)
25-02-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Beware of the leaven)
18-02-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (The heart of the issue is the issue of the heart)
11-02-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Talking about which generation?)
04-02-2024 R.McMahan Morning Communion Service (Do you think you’ll be treated better?)
28-01-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (You gotta have faith)
21-01-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Why see the wood only in another's eye?)
14-01-2024 R.McMahan Morning Service (Who is my neighbour?)
07-01-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Who is your true family?)
31-12-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (New year, big idea)
25-12-2923 R.McMahan Morning Service (Christmas Day)
25-12-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Simeon on the right side of the divide.)
17-12-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Nativity)
10-12-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Herod who tried to kill Christmas)
03-12-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (The Innkeeper's Issue)
26-11-2023 R. McMahan Morning Service (The big question)
19-11-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Fear or Faith)
12-11-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service
05-11-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Act like you mean it. Luke 6:46)
29-10-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Remember who you are & who you belong to)
22-10-2023 P Salina Morning Service (Mars Hill: A mountain of religious acts)
15-10-2023 G.Mullen Morning Service
08-10-2023 No service
01-10-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Thankful saints make satisfied citizens.)
24-09-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (De different, your God is different)
17-09-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (The Sabbath and the Saviour)
10-09-2023 Live recording failed
03-09-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (The undercover boss lifts the veil.)
27-08-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (What are you looking for?)
20-08-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (The Beginning of Question Time)
13-08-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Jonah: End Journey)
06-08-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Jonah the Incredible Sulk)
30-07-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (History's most successful evangelist)
23-07-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Calling out of the belly)
16-07-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (God's man awakens)
09-07-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (The Running Man)
02-07-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Jonah rejects the call)
25-06-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Sunday School Prizegiving)
18-06-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (A radical makeover)
11-06-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (The sceptic meets the Messiah)
06-06-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Disciples Disappointed to Devotees Delighted)
28-05-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Jesus meets a weeping woman)
21-5-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Jesus at the last chance saloon)
14-5-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Jesus meets a people pleaser)
07-05-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (A Coronation Psalm)
30-04-2023 No recording
23-04-2023 R.Griffiths Morning Service (Micah)
16-04-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (A blind man blessed)
09-04-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (The empty grave speaks)
02-04-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (In the crowd on Palm Sunday.)
26-03-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Jesus meets a wee man)
19-03-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Jesus at a dinner party)
12-03-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (The Promising Candidate)
05-03-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Jesus meets a hard home crowd.)
26-02-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Jesus meets the distressed)
19-02-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (The oppressed and the outsider meets the Messiah)
12-02-2023 Not available
05-02-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Church Membership)
29-01-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Thou shalt not covet)
22-01-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service (Thou shalt not bear false witness)
15-01-2023 R.McMahan Morning Service
08-01-2023 R.Mc.Mahan Morning Service (Thou shalt not steal)
01-01-2023 R.McMahan New Year's Day Service
25-12-2022 R.McMahan Christmas Day Service
24-12-2022 R.McMahan Watchnight Service
18-12-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (Carols of the Season 3)
11-12-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (Carols of the Season 2)
04-12-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (Carols of the Season 1)
17-11-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (No to adultery)
20-11-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (When all killing isn't murder)
13-11-2022 No recording
06-11-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (Honour your father and mother)
30-10-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (Youth Dedication)
23-10-2022 G.Mullen Morning Service (Christ hath redeemed us from the curse)
16-10-2022 R. Griffiths Morning Service (Thoughts for troubled times)
09-10-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (4th commandment)
02-10-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (3rd commandment)
25-08-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service
18-08-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service
11-09-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (Celebration of the life of The Queen)
04-09-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service
28-08-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (Types of biblical law)
21-08-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service
14-08-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service
07-08-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service
24-07-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service
17-07-2022 G.Mullen Morning Service
10-07-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service
03-07-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service
26-06-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (God will make a way)
19-06-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (Jane Smyth: Mission)
12-06-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (A whine in the wilderness)
05-06-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service
29-05-2022 Morning Service (Passover Lamb)
22-05-2022 Morning Service (start only)!
15-05-2022 No Recording: Technical problem
08-05-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (Hail, hail)
01-05-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (Plagues)
24-04-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (The Challenge)
17-04-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (History's greatest surprise)
10-04-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (The King's procession)
03-04-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (A bad start)
27-03-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (Excuses, excuses)
20-03-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service, partial recording (A call to action)
13-03-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (The God who gives attention.)
06-03-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (A meeting in Midian)
13-02-2022 Grant Mullen Morning Service
06-02-2022 Paul Salina Morning Service (The mountain of transfiguration)
30-01-2022 Not available for technical issues.
23-01-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (When to reject the commands of an unjust state)
16-01-2022 R.McMahan Morning Service (Intro to Exodus)
2022-01-09 R.McMahan Morning Service (The listener's impression)
2022-01-02 R.McMahan Morning Service (Spiritual building work)